Terry Febrey currently serves as a High School Administrator in Western New York. Terry has created and contributed to a variety of unique initiatives including “The Freshman Seminars” (a transition program), freshmen mentoring programs, anti-bullying programs, professional development, character education, and student retention programs. Her programs have produced high quality results for not only students, but staff.
Terry graduated with a B.S. in Education from SUNY Cortland, a M.S. in Education from Ithaca College with an emphasis in a specialized area of psychology related to improving performance, and a C.A.S. in administration from SUNY Brockport. She began her career as an Assistant Coach in soccer and basketball at the Division I and III before becoming a head coach in Division III. She decided to really “give back” by coaching and teaching in her community back home. She worked relentlessly to establish herself and her programs and then her career transitioned into administration. Her track record as a teacher and administrator speaks volumes. Many of her programs have laid a solid foundation for future development growth for the different districts she has touched. As an Assistant Principal, Terry has improved the graduation rate from approximately 81% to 95% and beyond in the short span of a couple years. She achieved this by overhauling the master schedule, creating a very successful AIS program with a streamlined communication system, and creating a professional development program for students called the seminars. She also started programs that reduced absences and behavioral referrals by 40%.
Another program heavily contributing to the improved graduation rates and quality of student life is Terry’s creation and implemented of “The Freshman Seminars” and later, one-on-one faculty to student mentoring. Freshman Seminars were established to help incoming high school students make the difficult transition from the middle school environment. Terry noticed that in many situations, freshmen felt overwhelmed or were unsure about the responsibilities and expectations of being a high school student. This resulted in poor academic performance and behavior referrals. The Freshman Seminar was designed to alleviate this information gap, providing freshmen with the adequate tools to succeed. Information provided ranged from studying tips, time management, goal setting, how to effectively work with your teacher, accessing all the help available in the school, and appropriate social engagement. These seminars ultimately resulted in the reduction of average quarterly failing grades per class from 125 to 40 and behavioral referrals decreased by 45%. The program was a huge success so it was expanded and delivered to all four grade levels. The positive results continued.
The one-on-one student mentoring program encourages all faculty and staff members to mentor an at-risk freshman. This program fosters direct communication and understanding between the staff and students, creating a positive atmosphere and cycle of trust. Mentorship also correlates with a reduced suspension rates, internal conflict resolution, and improved grades.
Because she believes every student needs to feel welcomed and valued in their school, Terry has contributed greatly to the improvement of the school’s climate and culture in every building. She believes that it is just as necessary to build a positive, nurturing and inclusive environment that students enjoy being in as it is to create a safe and academically challenging environment. She has overhauled pep rally programs, Home Coming events, award programs and incentive programs at her schools. She believes students should be rewarded for more than academics so she invested herself into programs that reward and recognize a variety of students for a variety of reasons. In addition, her character education programs have greatly improved building climates and reduced the incidences of bullying. Students not only need to feel safe but they need guidance as they develop their character. She wants her students to leave school with a good education and the skills to be a good and contributing citizen.
Over the years, Ms. Febrey has remained consistently focused on the students. She knows each of them can learn and she readily recognizes each student’s value. She often tells her students that if they are ever feeling poorly about themselves, they should talk to her and she will tell them all of the great things she sees in them. Without a doubt, she knows how students will try to be the best they can be once they know someone really believes in them. She is confident in her students’ abilities to succeed and aims to equip them with the skills, foresight, and self-confidence they need to achieve their goals. She remembers how her teachers, coaches and administrators supported and guided her when she was a student and is forever grateful to them. They are her role models. She hopes to pay that forward every day she has the great fortune of working with students.